Friday, December 08, 2006

a clever looking unvention

In case you haven't run across this already, Fleegle has come up with a new way to work left leaning and centered double decreases without slipping stitches. I haven't tried this out yet, but she has a very good clear tutorial at Fleegle's Blog - No Fault Decreases


  1. I found this surprising because I have never had any trouble doing these stitches the conventional way. Is it that much of a problem do you think? Maybe with the popularity of the new Knitpicks needles. I guess they are pretty slick.

  2. I've never really had a problem with the old way either, but I'm always intrigued when someone comes up with something new. Sort of like socks, I've never had enough trouble with dpns to switch to the "socks on circs" method. I like knowing how it works, though. Guess it's a case of "more arrows in your quiver"...

  3. Cool. Although Satan will be wearing earmuffs before I do lace :-)

    Someone -- and if I could remember whose blog I saw it on I'd give myself the Nobel prize in memory -- did a left-leaning experiment. She cast on a bunch of stitches, say about 100, and worked ~8 columns of left-leaning decreases, one column in each of the different ways. Then she could compare all the methods side by side because they were all in the same swatch. And if I could remember which was her favorite I'd die a happy woman.

    Really a good idea for the empirically-minded among us. Some year after Christmas knitting is done and before the Dulaan deadline looms, I'll have to try that myself.

  4. I guess my approach to that kind of problem would be to find a pair of needles that wasn't so slick that the stitches fall off. Ever since I bought good quality cookware and discovered that I wasn't a lousy cook after all, I've been a big believer in finding the right hardware for the job. :)

  5. ***grin*** You mean there's hope for my cooking yet?

    And come on Kmkat, lace is fun (when it's not making me tear my hair out)


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