Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Since we will be having dinner here for about 12, I have spent much of the last two days in housework. Trying to cram 6 months remedial cleaning into 2 days has left me frazzled and somewhat grouchy. So I thought it would be a good time to sit down and list ten things that I am thankful for.

1) a warm house

2) enough food to eat

3) family near and far

4) friends: online and face to face

5) the companionship of small animals

6) the ability to see and to hear

7) the public library

8) the Bill of Rights

9) cardinals, for their song in the summer and their color in the winter

10) teachers of all sorts

That's the short list. It could go on, but I'd better get back to cleaning..... Special gratitude to DH and SIL, who will be doing the actual cooking for Thursday's feast. Happy Thanksgiving to all.


  1. Lovely list, and all of them things that so many people in the world will never have. Thanks for the very thoughtful post.

  2. A wonderful list. I think I will force my family to make such a list over T'giving dinner, lest they/I forget the real meaning.


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