Friday, October 06, 2006

Where I hang out

One place is my bed. No, no, I'm full dressed. It's just where I do a lot of my knitting. There's room to spread out, and room for a cat or two. I got all excited when Crazy Aunt Purl asked people to send photo's of their favorite knitting spots, and sent a picture. The collection she got is great. I spent an hour pouring over pictures of houses, yards, views from windows, pets and, oh yeah, some knitting, too. I'm going back for more...

Another place I hang out is "the store", formally known as the River Valley Trading Co. It opened up about a year ago as a "retail business incubator". It's sort of a combination gallery, gift store, used book store, organic grocery, with yarn and rovings for the spinners, and the coffee is always on and there is almost always another knitter/fiber producer around, and at least once a month there is live entertainment. It sounds like a jumble, but it is really quite lovely.

I sell some of my FO's there on consignment at ridiculously low prices. (This is not a "high end" market area, it gets said objects out of the house, and at least the stash is semi-self supporting)
You may recognize the Razor Shell Scarf.

1 comment:

  1. Wild coincidence here! I just got to Crazy Aunt Purl's gallery of knitting places, and at random clicked on one with a cat. Guess who!? Therrreee's Baxter! Gorgeous cat. No wonder you named the blog after him!


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