Thursday, October 19, 2006

weird yarn of the week

I can't help it. Sometimes I'm just compulsively drawn to the fiber equivalent of junk food (I did mention the eyelash stash, didn't I?). I used to be a fiber purist. I don't know what happened. All I can say is that eBay has something to do with it. Combine a late night, an auction ending in less than 2 minutes, maybe more caffeine than was strictly advisable, and you, too, can end up with something like this....

What caught me was those little loops at the end of each eyelash. They were so cute.....

Once it arrived, or course, the question was "What do I do with it?". I want those little loops to show. Knitting at a more or less regular gauge resulted in a fuzzy looking swatch, but nothing particularly interesting and the cute little loops got lost. So I tried really big needles......

The visual results aren't bad, sort of edgy lace. (It really does look better than the photo, which doesn't show the dimensionality of the thing) It has a nice drape, too. Could make a kind of artsy accessory scarf. Wear it to some gallery/club with an industrial techno decor. (Not that I am ever likely to be in that kind of place, because if it exists they wouldn't let me in the door.) Still, the older I get, the more willing I am to wear odd objects without worrying too much what other people think of them. I'm no Red Hat lady, but I heartily endorse the sentiments of the original poem

Ahem. I digress. Back to the odd yarn... Interesting appearance, nice drape, feel.....? Well, the best description I can come up with is that it feels like a very loose, very soft, plastic dish scrubber. "Ewww! Gross!" I know, I know, I can hear you now. It is gross by all generally accepted fiber lovers' standards. It is also weirdly compelling. Sort of the way Silly Putty is compelling, or one of those Koosh balls. I am repelled yet drawn to it.... Fried Cheese Curds, Little Debbie snacks, Cheetos: goodbye Obi Wan, Darth Vador is calling.


  1. Sistah! I too find myself caring less and less about public opinion in my choice of wearables. If I like it, that's good enough. But I did get rid of my eyelash stash last week; mailed it off to a lady in CT who is collecting yarn to teach K-5 graders to knit. You could do it, too, if you wanted. And if you could bear to part with the eyelash...

  2. Elinor DashwoodJanuary 12, 2014

    The very same thing happened to me. I used to be such a natural-fiber purist that I nearly balked at the 25% nylon in so many sock yarns, and only let it pass because even the great Elizabeth Zimmermann gave her blessing to nylon for strengthening purposes. And now I suddenly own a modest selection of eyelash and butterfly yarns. It started with wanting a touch of glamor for a wrap I was going to knit to go with The Daughter's best evening dress. An offer appeared of Patons Silverlash in Rose Quartz, a delicate, ladylike pink with only a little bit of eyelash, and I was a goner.


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