Sunday, September 10, 2006

Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival

We couldn't get there until Sunday this year, and it seemed that a lot of the animals had gone home already, but there were still some sweeties.

Mohair on the Hoof. Extremely cute.

Sheep in Spandex. I think these might be meat sheep, not wool sheep, but I loved the fashion statement. Someone get these guys a bicycle.

He only looks like a toy.

Yo llama. These fellas are my very favorites. They have such a sense of their own elegance.

Of course, besides the animals there were two barns full of vendors with yarns and fleeces and rovings and lovely garments, and books and spinning wheels. I broke down and bought one skein of "Thistledown" lace weight from Blackberry Ridge and Lizbeth Upitis' "Latvian Mittens". I have been eyeing that book for years. It had always seemed over priced to me, and it still does, but I decided I really do want it, and I'm glad I got it.


  1. I think the sheep in spandex is hillarious as long as they won't become mutton. Where was the WI Sheep and Wool Festival? I spent a summer north of Rhinelander in '02 and have a place in my heart for Wisconsin.

    Great blog!

  2. Thanks Bri! The Festival is in Jefferson, sort of between Madison and Milwaukee.


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