Friday, September 29, 2006

Local Yarn Acquisition

Yummy Icelandic Worsted Weight. Soft. All natural. The color is actually a shade lighter than the photo looks here.

This is from a sheep that lives within 50 miles of Argyle, which is about 4 miles south of here, so the sheep and I are practically neighbors.

I like the fact that this is a heritage breed (help keep really cute sheep alive, buy their wool!). I like the fact that I am supporting a local farmer and a local small business. Makes me feel positively virtuous buying yarn.

It's lovely having the mill so close. Besides carrying the wool they spin themselves, they have a really wide color selection of Cascade 220, and a small but choice selection of sock yarns. And Elizabeth told me today that they will soon be spinning merino and Alpaca/Llama.

Argyle Fiber Mill Home

The rights for my Madison Scarf just reverted to me, so I am going to use this for a pattern sample in the Seaman's Scarf version.


  1. Gorgeous yarn!! My patterns arrived today, and I'm really looking forward to knitting them! Thanks for the bonus; that's going to be a great scarf. Is Madison one of those that KP had? Nice pattern!

  2. Thanks for your kind comments Cindy! I love the wool, yummy.


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