Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Here come the beginners, maybe

Registrations are borderline for my beginning knitting class at the technical college. If two more people sign up, it will be a go. I may not know until Monday. The class (if it happens) starts Tuesday, so.....better be prepared.

Thus my morning was spent in:
Pulling out last year's materials (had to find first- Ha!)
Reviewing and revising resource list, checking internet links to make sure they were current.
Rethinking teaching strategies.
Revising class outline and handouts.
Editing down the number of pages of handouts (Last year I asked for too many copies for the college's taste.)
Getting my swatch book back in order.

I still need to pick out books, magazines and finished objects that I want to bring in for Show and Tell, but that's going to wait until Friday. Oh, and come up with a box to haul everything in.

At the moment, it's all feeling like more bother than it's worth (1/2 hour commute, not much pay), but last year I found that I really did enjoy the teaching (despite stage fright) . Not every student takes to knitting, but a few do, and I love seeing their excitement.

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