Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Simple Lace Scarf and Moose Lace

The pink scarf was designed as a beginner project in lace knitting, so:
  • There had to be no shaping involved (stitch count the same on every row)
  • The patterns used had to have a relatively short row repeat and be fairly logical in their progression
  • No patterning on the wrong side rows
  • No picking up or knitting on for borders
  • No grafting
  • Worked in fingering rather than lace weight yarn because it's a bit easier to handle

As it turned out, the center panel is more of an eyelet pattern than a lace one, but that's OK.

The basic version is a shortish scarf, a good length to wear under a coat, and it used up almost every last inch of the ball of Pallette I was using. It would be easy enough to make it longer, I just didn't have any more of that particular yarn.

Halfway through, it occurred to me that this arrangement might be quite handsome as a longer scarf in heavier yarn (Moose lace can have it's uses), so I've started again in Cascade 220 (worsted weight). Maybe when that's done I'll try it in for-real lace weight.


  1. AnonymousMay 06, 2012

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. AnonymousMay 06, 2012

    Is this pattern available> It's gorgeous!


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